It is based on an algorithm published on pouet in 2021. One its implementation uses 16 color mode and another uses 4 color mode and textures to simulate 8 colors. Generated pictures are 128x256 and 256x256 raster images respectively. It is very likely that this algoritm implementation is the fastest known Mandelbrot set computation routine for the 6502.
A zipped dsk-image is here: use *LOAD M4
or *LOAD M16
to get 4 (8 because of dithering) or 16 (8 + flashing) color programs respectively. Start any of them with CALL3584
Sources are available on github.
All programs start at 0xE00 because they need 11.5 KB RAM for a lookup table, 16 KB RAM for video and 1 KB for its code. So if you want to run it on the BBC Micro where PAGE is above 0xE00 you will need to use some trick. These program can't be used with the 2nd processor. You must load M16CP
for a system with the co-pro.