Superfast Mandelbrot generator for the DEC Professional 325/350/380

There are two variants of this generator. One generates 256x128 16 shade images. Another generates 128x256 16 shades rotated images. It is very likely that this algoritm implementation is the fastest known Mandelbrot set computation routine for the PDP-11. There are also several fullscreen Mandelbrot set generators available.

The archive with executables is here. It contains the next files.
File Version Properties System
MBKF 6 128x256 16 shades Pro-325/350
MBKJ 6 128x256 16 shades Pro-380
MBKRF 6 256x128 16 shades Pro-325/350
MBKRJ 6 256x128 16 shades Pro-380
M8F 5 1024x256 8 colors Pro-325/350
M8J 5 1024x256 8 colors Pro-380
M8I 5 1024x512 8 colors Pro-380
M64F 7 512x256 64 colors Pro-325/350
M64J 7 512x256 64 colors Pro-380
M64I 7 512x512 64 colors Pro-380
M4096F 7 512x256 4096 colors Pro-325/350
M4096J 7 512x256 4096 colors Pro-380
M4096I 7 512x512 4096 colors Pro-380

256x512 4096 colors

256x256 4096 colors

512x256 64 colors

1024x256 8 colors

512x512 64 colors

1024x512 8 colors

Sources are available on github.