ABC 802 Acorn Archimedes Amstrad CPC Amstrad PCW Apple II Apple Macintosh Atari 800 family Atari ST family BBC Micro and Master Commodore 64 and 128 Commodore Amiga Commodore Plus/4 Commodore VIC-20 Corvette/Kopвeт IBM/370 family IBM PC MSX PDP-11, DEC Pro and БK Sinclair QL Tandy TRS-80, etc Tandy Color, Dragon 32/64, MC-10 TI-99/4, TI-99/4A, Geneve 9640 Tiki 100 VAX Vector-06C/Beктop-06Ц ZX Spectrum


π spigot


Superfast Mandelbrot

ASCII Mandelbrot Benchmark (many thanks to drogon and cjs)

Basic Mandelbrot Benchmark